Environmental Promoters Program
Empower your community through sustainable practices. Gain insights from leading experts on waste management and recycling to create impactful local solutions.
Meet Your Instructors
Theory 1: Jemez Principles of Democratic Organizing
Theory 1: Download the PDF!
Theory 1: Activity
Theory 1: Key Takeaways
Theory 2: Popular Education
Theory 2: Download the PDF!
Theory 2: Activity
Theory 2: Key Takeaways
History and Background of the Program
Program Overview
Environmental Promoters Program
Key Takeaways
Program Design
Mini Handbook for Program
Phase 6 Report
Program Interview #1
Program Interview #2
Key Takeaways
Future of the Environmental Promoter Program
Youth Sustainability Education Program
Program Interview #3
Program Interview #4
Key Takeaways
Best Practices and Takeaways
Co-Creation and Co-Design Best Practices
Closing Thoughts